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. 2017 Oct 31;83(22):e01488-17. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01488-17


Bradyrhizobial strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain or plasmid Relevant characteristics and source of isolationa Source or reference
    PB strainsb
        SUT-PR48 Rice root isolate (rice with crop rotation) 3
        SUT-PR64 Rice root isolate (rice with crop rotation) 3
        ORS285 Aeschynomene afraspera root or stem nodule isolate 63
    Non-PB strains
        SUT-PR9 Rice root isolate (rice with crop rotation) 3
        SUT-R3 Rice root isolate (rice with crop rotation) 3
        SUT-R55 Rice root isolate (rice with crop rotation) 3
        SUT-R74 Rice root isolate/paddy soil isolate (rice with crop rotation) 3
        SUTN9-2 Aeschynomene americana nodule isolate (paddy crop) 62
        SUTN9-2GUS SUTN9-2 marked with mTn5SSgusA20 (pCAM120); Smr Spr 54
        SUTN9-2nifH-GUS Transcriptional nifH::gus reporter construct (pVO155nifHpm9-2gus) This work
        PRC008 Recommended for mung bean/non-rice endophyte Department of Agriculture (DOA), Thailand
        Escherichia coli S17-1 pro recA RP4-2 (Tcs::Mu) (Kms::Tn7), Mob+ 64
    pCAM120 mTn5SSgusA20 in pUT/mini-Tn5 S. Okazakic; 65
    pVO155nifHpm9-2gus nifH::gus reporter construct into pVO155-npt2-cefo-npt2-gfp; Kmr Cefor This work

Smr, spectinomycin resistance; Spr, streptomycin resistance; Tcs, tetracycline susceptibility; Kms, kanamycin susceptibility; Kmr, kanamycin resistance; Cefor, cefotaxime resistance.


PB, photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium.


Department of International Environmental and Agricultural Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.