Scheme of adenylate cylase toxin activity. Simplified schematic depiction of the stages of adenylate cyclase toxin interaction, insertion and translocation of the AC domain through the plasma membrane of monocytic cells expressing the toxin receptor CD11b/CD18 (αMβ2, Mac-1, or CR3). ACT is believed to bind presumably to the inactive (bent) conformation of the integrin CR3 [18], while natural physiological ligands (fibrinogen, iC3b, intercellular adhesion molecule 1(ICAM-1), and other protein ligands) bind to the active (extended) conformation of CR3 [19]. AC, adenylate cyclase domain, in light green; HD, hydrophobic domain, in red colour; RTX, calcium-binding repeats domain, in blue; CaM, calmodulin, in dark green.