CaMKII-dependent NMDAR activity in the PVN maintains elevated sympathetic vasomotor tone in SHRs. A, B, A representative image (A) and schematic drawing (B) show the microinjection sites for vehicle plus AP-5 (●) and AIP plus AP-5 (○) in the PVN in SHRs. C, D, Representative recording traces show the effect of vehicle (C) or AIP (D) followed by AP-5 bilateral injections into the PVNs on ABP, LSNA, and HR in SHRs. E–G, Summary data show changes in mean ABP (E), LSNA (F), and HR (G) in response to AP-5 after microinjection of vehicle (n = 6) or AIP (n = 7) into the PVN in SHRs. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05 compared with the respective baseline. 3V, Third ventricle; AH, anterior hypothalamus.