C–LThe relative distribution of CRAC sequence reads (UV‐CRAC—black; PAR‐CRAC—grey) mapping to the MAT2A mRNA (C), the XIST lncRNA (D), the 7SK ncRNA (E), and the RBM3 (F), STUB1 (G), ISYNA1 (H), RYR1 (I), PALM2 (J), THSD4 (K) and LGR6 (L) mRNAs is shown above schematic views of the introns (black lines) and exons (black boxes) present in the transcripts. For large mRNAs (I–L), a magnified view of the region of the pre‐mRNA that is crosslinked to METTL16 is shown (top, middle) above the schematic view of the whole mRNA.