Fig. 5.
Impact of long-term expansion of DPSCs and aBMMSCs with three different culture media (CCM, StemMacs and StemPro) on telomere length. Telomere length determined by Southern blot analysis in cells harvested at early (p.2–3), middle (p.6–7) or late (p.10–11) passages. Lane 2 serves as a technical control, to confirm that the hybridization and Southern blot procedures were successful. Lanes 1 and 12 are molecular weight markers (kbp). a, c Representative Southern blots and b, d respective mean terminal restriction fragments (TRFs ± SD) for each medium/passage. A trend for lower mean TRF values could be observed with continuous passaging. This was consistent for all different culturing media and types of cells. Figures are representative of a single DPSC and aBMMSC donor for each culture medium. aBMMSC alveolar bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell, CCM complete culture medium, DPSC dental pulp stem cell, p. cell passage