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. 2017 Nov 2;11(11):e0005916. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005916

Table 1. Scheme of reported investigations on a human or animal model gut “parasitome” by exploiting “omic” technologies.

“Omic” approach
Sample Technique Major results Reference
Ancylostoma caninum Proteomics Adult worm from small intestines of stray dogs 1-DE LC-ESI-MS/MSa; protein or peptide OGEb and shotgun LC-ESI-MS/MS Description of proteins from the excretory/secretory products [74]
Ancylostoma ceylanicum Genomics Hookworms culture and infection in golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) Genomic library; Illumina sequencing Complete sequence of hookworm genome and definition of temporal genes expression [48]
Transcriptomics RNA-seq library, Illumina sequencing
Blastocystis spp. Metagenomics Faecal DNA from 2 groups of patients, positive or negative for Blastocystis NGSc: Ion Torrent sequencing Blastocystis colonisation is positively associated with increased bacterial diversity and with higher abundance of Clostridia class, Ruminococcaceae, and Prevotellaceae [37]
Faecal DNA from cohorts of healthy individuals and patients with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis NGS: WGSd Illumina sequencing Blastocystis colonisation is positively associated with species richness and with species present in lean individuals, such as the Prevotella or Ruminococcus enterotype [33]
Blastocystis ST7 Proteomics Axenic culture of an isolate obtained from a Singaporean patient with intestinal disorders 1-DE LC-ESI-MS/MSa Definition of secreted protease candidates for the effects induced at the parasite–host interface and involved in mucus degradation: legumain peptidase ACY95293.1, and cathepsin B peptidase CBK25506.2. [72]
Cryptosporidium parvum Proteomics Excysted sporozoites from lambs 2-DE MALDI TOFe;
1-DE LC-ESI-MS/MS; Shotgun MudPitf LC-ESI-MS/MS
Definition of sporozoite proteome [59]
Excysted and non-excysted calf oocysts Stable isotope labelling iTRAQg LC-ESI-MS/MS; Shotgun LC-ESI-MS/MS Definition of excysted and non-excysted oocysts proteome; specific proteins augmented in excysted invasive sporozoites: many ribosomal (40S and 60S) and heat shock chaperonin (Hsp70 and Hsp90) [60]
Metabolomics Human faecal samples Untargeted GC-MSh Higher abundance of phenylalanine, valine, isoleucine, serine, succinic acid, and threitol, lower levels of xylose in infected sample; faecal metabolite profiles generated are able to identify infected individuals [86]
Faecal sample from mice infected with S26 isolate (obtained from a naturally infected calf) Chemical Derivatization GC-MS Less abundant metabolites and intermediaries involved in energy metabolism (key nutrients scavenged by Cryptosporidium to supplement its metabolic pathway) were detected in infected mice than in uninfected mice [87]
Encephalitozoon cuniculi Proteomics GB-M1 cultured in Madin-Darby canine kidney or human foreskin fibroblast cells 2-DE MALDI-TOF/ESI LC-MS/MS;
Shotgun LC-ESI-MS/MS
Identification of a reference map of the major proteins expressed during late sporogony [62]
Entamoeba histolytica Proteomics Axenic cultured trophozoites (strain HMI:IMSS) 2-DE LC-ESI-MS/MS Identification of specific parasite proteins that promote host invasion [68]
1-DE LC-ESI-MS/MS Identification of the cell surface–associated proteome [67]
Axenic cultured trophozoites (strains HMI:IMSS and Rahman) 2-DIGEi MALDI-TOF/ESI LC-MS/MS Identification of important molecular component defining physiologically relevant virulence phenotype [70]
Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar Proteomics Axenic cultured trophozoites (strain HMI:IMSS of E. hystolytica and SAW760 of E. dispar) 2-DE MALDI-TOF Identification of more proteins which are involved in Entamoeba pathogenicity [69]
Entamoeba invadens Transcriptomics Axenic cultured trophozoites (IP-1 strain) Affymetrix platform microarray First description of transcriptional and metabolic regulatory networks dynamics taking place during E. invadens encystation [89]
Metabolomics CEj-ESI-TOF-MS/MS
Giardia duodenalis Metabolomics Stool from patients with confirmed infection and controls with diarrhoea GC-MS First report of the Volatile Organic Compounds that could be biomarkers of Giardia infection [88]
Giardia lamblia Proteomics Cultured WBC6 (ATCC catalog number 50803) trophozoites 1-DE LC ESI-MS/MS Definition of the protein repertoire of peripheral and encystation-specific vesicles that have key roles in proliferation and transmission to a new host [61]
Heligmosomoides polygyrus Metagenomics Distal ileum and cecal tip of C57BL/6 healthy and infected mice; L3 larvae and adult worms from duodenum of infected mice NGS: 16S rRNA gene targeted amplification and Sanger-style sequencing; quantitative PCR clone library analysis Infection significantly alters the gut microbiota with increased Lactobacillaceae bacterial load [42]
Helminths (Trichuris spp., Ascaris spp., hookworm) Metagenomics Faecal sample of helminth-infected or uninfected indigenous Malaysians and New York City residents
NGS: V4 16S rRNA gene targeted amplification; Illumina sequencing Significant effect of helminth colonisation on the diversity, bacterial community structure and function of the gut microbiota [45]
Necator americanus Metagenomics Faecal samples of experimentally infected human volunteers (affected by celiac disease) on a gluten-free diet NGS: 16S rRNA gene targeted amplification; 454 pyrosequencing Hookworm infection did not have a major impact on the community structure of the intestinal microbiota [41]
Prior and post dietary gluten exposure faecal samples of experimentally infected human patients (affected by celiac disease) Microbial species richness increases during the challenge with escalating doses of dietary gluten, a potential mechanism by which hookworm infection could positively impact gluten-induced inflammation and intestinal immune homeostasis [40]
Genomics L3i and adult worms from intestines of Golden Syrian Hamster infected subcutaneously with the Anhui strain NGS: WGS and 454 pyrosequencing Draft genome sequence and postgenomic analyses to unveil the immunobiology of human hookworm disease [49]
Transcriptomics Rna-seq: Roche/454 and Illumina cDNA libraries;
Genome Sequencer Titanium FLX and Illumina sequencing
Proteomics OGE and shotgun LC-ESI-MS/MS; protein microarray
Metabolomics Urine and blood samples from infected and control Syrian hamsters 1H NMRk Unveil the biochemical consequences of infection [90]
Urine and blood samples from infected and control Syrian hamsters coinfected with Schistosoma japonicum [91]
Strongyloides stercoralis Transcriptomics Parasites from faecal samples of infected individual of the endemic area of La Safor (Valencia, Spain) and propagated on axenic culture cDNA library, 454 pyrosequencing First comprehensive database of third larval stage transcripts [65]
Proteomics Shotgun LC-ESI-MS/MS First study of the S. stercoralis proteome [64]
Taenia solium Proteomics Gravid proglottids from Peruvian patients' stools LC fractionation and MALDI TOF MS/MS Definition of oncosphere proteome [63]
Metacestodes from naturally infected pigs in Zambia and Perú 1-DE LC-ESI-MS/MS First report of the metacestode excretion/secretion proteome [73]
Trichinella spiralis Proteomics Worms (isolated from the small intestine of infected rats) cocultured with different strains of bacteria iTRAQ bidimensional LC-ESI-MS/MS Comprehension of microbe-induced alterations in the survival and reproduction of T. spiralis in vitro: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and L. acidophilus were beneficial; Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC) were not [76]
Trichuris suis Metagenomics Luminal colon content of control and infected piglets NGS: 16S rRNA gene targeted amplification and WGS 454 pyrosequencing Identification of the infection significant impact on the proximal colon microbiota composition at both the phylum and genus levels (key genera: Mucispirillum, Succinivibrio, and Ruminococcus) supported by metabolic and functional data [43]
Metabolomics GC-MS
Trichuris trichiura Genomics A clinically isolated adult male NGS: WGS, Illumina sequencing High-quality draft genome assembly [79]
Transcriptomics Stool sample of infected Ecuadorian children NGS: Ion Torrent sequencing First transcriptomic analysis of the adult stage of the human whipworm [78]
Proteomics Shotgun LC-ESI-MS/MS Identification of proteins with immunomodulatory effects [77]
Unknown parasites Metagenomics Wild rat faeces NGS: V9 18S rRNA gene targeted amplification; Illumina sequencing Novel method to determine host alimentary tract parasite infections [50] [51]

a 1-DE LC-ESI-MS/MS: monoDimensional gel Electrophoresis Liquid Chromatography-ElectropSprayIonisation-tandem Mass spectrometry

b OGE: OFFGEL fractionation by isoelectric focusing

c NGS: Next Generation Sequencing

d WGS: Whole Genome Sequencing

e 2-DE MALDI TOF: biDimensional Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/ionization Time-of flight mass spectrometry

f MudPit: Multi-dimensional Protein Identification technology

g iTRAQ: isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantitation

h GC-MS: gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

i 2-DIGE: bidimensional-DIfference Gel Electrophoresis

j CE: Capillary electrophoresis

k 1H NMR: Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy