A) Bio-layer interferometry (BLI) experiment as in
Figure 5 to measure the functionally relevant non-substrate interactions between an ATPase activity- and substrate binding-deficient mutant BiP protein (BiP
T229A-V461F) and a wildtype model J-domain fused to GST (GST-J) in presence of increasing concentrations of salt (potassium chloride; KCl). The sensors were saturated with biotinylated GST-J and washed to a stable baseline (not shown). The sensors were then exposed to solutions containing unmodified BiP
T229A-V461F in presence of the indicated salt concentrations to measure its association with the sensors. Dissociation was detected in protein-free solutions containing ATP. A plot of the binding signals against time of the association and dissociation steps is shown. The inset presents a plot of the obtained binding amplitudes against the salt concentration of three independent repeats of the experiment. The line represents a best-fit curve. Note the non-linear correlation of binding and salt concentration. (
B) BLI experiment as in
Figure 4C. A plot of the binding signals against time of the association and dissociation steps is shown. The sensors were loaded with biotinylated GST-J corresponding to a binding signal difference of ~0.4 nm followed by saturation with biotinylated P15 BiP substrate peptide and a baseline step. The sensors were then introduced into solution containing wildtype BiP protein until steady state binding was established. Dissociation of BiP from the sensor was measured in protein-free solutions containing ADP (or ATP as a control) and different salt concentrations as indicated. The dotted lines in the dissociation step represent single-exponential fits of the curves used to calculate the corresponding dissociation rate constants (k
off) shown on the graph below. The k
off values of four independent repeats are shown and bars represent standard deviations. Note that the dissociation of BiP in presence of ADP is unaffected by increasing salt concentrations.