Figure 1. Expression of RNA Polymerase I initiation factors in ovarian cancer PDX models. Comparison of 6 pairs of untreated/treated (Carbo/taxol) PDX tumors showed similar changes in expression profiles. One common pathway was ribosomal synthesis.
(A,B,C) qPCR was conducted on 6 pairs of ovarian cancer PDX treated with carboplatin and paclitaxel or control for UBTF, POLR1B, and RRN3 and gene expression was compared to the untreated matched PDX. The tumor cell population surviving initial chemotherapy generally had a greater expression of UBTF, POLR1B, and RRN3. (* = p < 0.05) (D) Total level of ribosomal subunits 18S and 28S was determined. Treated ovarian cancer PDXs had a 37.9-fold increase of 18S (p=0.010) and a 39.0-fold increase of 28S (p=0.019). (E) Comparison of H&E sections with and without treatment, demonstrating marked macronucleoli by (F) Quantification of macronucleoli before and after chemotherapy treatment in PDX models.