Figure 1. Characterization of GA-hMSCs and GA-hMSC-derived nano-vesicles.
(A) Circos plot of GA-hMSC-247 copy number variations relative to BM-hMSCs. The outside circle represents chromosomes and cytogenetic bands. The inner circle shows red DNA amplifications and green regions of genomic loss. (B) Western blot demonstrating the presence of exosomal markers CD63 and GAPDH, and the lack of non-exosomal markers CD32 and CD16, on nano-vesicles from GA-hMSCs. C-cell lysate, E-exosomes (C) Scanning electron microscopy demonstrates GA-hMSC-derived vesicles (top panels) have a classic cupped-shape morphology with a distinct lipid bilayer and are within the 40nm-100nm range. Immuno-gold transmission electron microscopy (bottom panels) identifying the CD63 exosomal marker but not non-exosomal markers CD32 and CD16, on the surface of nano-vesicles from GA-hMSCs. (D) NanoSight plot demonstrating the average diameter of GA-hMSC-derived nano-vesicles to be within the 40–100nm range of exosomes.