Figure 4. GA-hMSC-derived exosomes contain a unique miRNA profile.
(A, B) miRNA profiles for GA-hMSC and GA-hMSC-derived exosomes, demonstrating a significant (p<0.001) difference in miRNA content. (A) 320 miRNAs were selected by identifying the top 200 miRNAs for each pair of GA-hMSC and GA-hMSC-derived exosomes according to the absolute fold change and collapsing them into non-duplicated miRNAs. (B) The top 20 miRNAs and the 8 miRNA that were highly expressed and highly enriched in exosomes were selected as in A and subjected to cluster analysis. (C) Distribution of the average expression level for miRNA in exosomes four GA-HMSC lines, compared with the parental cell. Exosome enriched miRNA were both highly expressed (> 5000 hybridization intensity, and highly enriched (> 3.0 SD), compared with exosome depleted miRNA which were both highly expressed (> 5000 hybridization intensity) and highly enriched (< −1.0 SD) in parental cells. (D) Expression levels of predicted gene targets of the exosomal miRNA are significantly (p<0.01) decreased in GSCs after treatment with GA-hMSC-derived exosomes. Exo-Exosome.