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. 2017 Nov 2;7:13521. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-13730-4

Figure 8.

Figure 8

Dynamic progression of dsx1-expressing cells during early embryogenesis. This snapshot series of two males and one female of the dsx1 reporter strain was extracted from Supplementary Movie S1, showing major events from gastrulation until thoracic segmentation. From top to bottom are frame 39, 50, 60, 69, 102, and 137 from the movie. Schematic diagrams on the right illustrate simple anatomy of the embryos at the corresponding time points. The diagrams from stage (i) to (iv) show images of embryonic sections. The diagrams (v) and (vi) show superficial views of embryos. a: anterior, p: posterior, v- ventral, d: dorsal, Bp: blastopore, Sp: Scheitelplatten, Sto: stomodeum, Pro: proctodeum, t1–3: thoracic segments, a1: first antenna, a2: second antenna, hpo: hours post ovulation. White arrow heads indicate mCherry-expressing cell clusters that migrate in an anterior-to-posterior direction. An asterisk indicates the site of invagination.