Figure 4.
Identification of RNAs with Defective Translation Efficiency Reveals Functional Clusters of RNAs with Altered Translation in SMA
(A) Experimental design for POL-seq and RNA-seq profiling on brains from late symptomatic SMA and control mice.
(B) Volcano plot displaying translation efficiency variations (x axis) and associated p values (y axis) in early symptomatic (top) and late symptomatic (bottom) SMA brains compared to controls. Genes with statistically significant variations in TE are labelled according to the direction of the change: up (blue) or down (red) regulation in SMA.
(C) RNA subtypes of genes with significantly altered TE in early- (top) and late-symptomatic (bottom) SMA mice.
(D) Heatmap with top enriched terms (from Gene Ontology) and pathways (from KEGG and Reactome). Enrichment analysis was performed on genes with significant changes of TE in early- and late-symptomatic SMA brains. The number of genes contributing to the enrichment is indicated in each tile.