Fig. 3.
Generating and analyzing super-resolved images of live cells. A) An example field of view with a high density of photoactivated PAFPs. Localizations are identified with a crowded-field algorithm. B) Rapid-acquisition (15 s) PALM images RNAP in live E. coli analyzed with a crowded-field localization algorithm. Comparing slow (top) and fast (bottom) growth conditions, highlights increased clustering of RNAP in fast growth conditions. This can be quantified using a clustering algorithm. C) Super-resolved images of RNAP (red) and DNA (blue) imaged with 3D SIM. D) Pair correlation analysis of RNAP localizations in panel B. Panel A adapted from [51], panel B-D adapted from [65]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)