Figure 6.
(A) Effect of delta-9-THC on activation relative to placebo in the right amygdala (cross-hairs) while subjects viewed fearful relative to neutral facial stimuli (p = 0.0004, corrected for <1 false-positive cluster; peak focus x = 29, y = 4, z = −13, coordinates in Talairach space). (B) Plot showing the mean magnitude of activation (indexed by the sum of squares ratio, y-axis; error bars show standard error of the mean) in the right amygdala following administration of delta-9-THC and placebo, respectively. (C) Image showing CB1 receptor availability in the amygdala (encircled) assessed using [11C]MePPEP PET [Mean (SD) CB1 VT in right amygdala: 12.57 (3.27) ml/g; Range: 7.51–17.75 ml/g]. (D) Correlation between the anxiety symptoms induced by delta-9-THC and CB1 VT in the right amygdala. (E) Direct correlation between the effect of delta-9-THC on the right amygdalar response while subjects viewed fearful faces and CB1 VT in the right amygdala.