Figure 3.
Fluorescent immuno-histochemical analysis of cell wall polysaccharides in transverse sections of ungerminated (0 hai, left) and germinated (114 hai, right) grain. (A,B,F,G) Detection of β-glucan by the antibody BG1 (green), blue shows auto-fluorescence. (C–F) Detection of arabinoxylan with the antibody LM11 (red). (E) was pretreated with α-l-arabinofuranosidase prior to LM11 binding, turquoise shows Calcofluor counter staining, arrows indicate pockets of arabinoxylan label. (F) shows double labelling of the embryo with both BG1 (green) and LM11 (red). (H,I) Detection of callose with the (1,3)-β-glucan antibody (red). (J–L) Cellulose is labelled in red using CBM3a; blue shows auto-fluorescence; turquoise shows Calcofluor counter staining. (A,C–E,G) Navigator; (B,F,H,I–L) Admiral. Scale bars represent 100 μm. Negative controls are shown in Figure S1. a, aleurone; col, coleoptile; c, crease; cc, crushed cell layer; e, embryo; ls, leaf sheath; p/l, palea and lemma; p/t, pericarp and testa; se, starchy endosperm; sc ep, scutellar epithelium; sc, scutellum.