Urine |
Stable composition
Relatively less complex than serum and plasma52
Reflects both physiological and pathological changes in proximal tissues and from blood perfusing distant organs53
Composition differs by age, gender, and seasons of collection53
Low concentration of total protein and high concentration of salts54
Composed of both endogenous and exogenous metabolites
Easy pediatric collection
Abundant for repeated collection
Integrative view of physiological and environmental metabolites
Lack of proximity and specificity to airway physiology
Requires transport and short-term storage on ice
Low concentration of total protein and high concentration of salts is challenging for MS technologies
Blood |
Composed of all molecules that are being secreted, excreted or discarded by different tissues in response to different physiological needs or stresses
Metabolomics studies often use plasma and serum. Whole blood is commonly used for inborn errors of metabolism
Maintains a normal homeostasis in the body by constant regulatory mechanisms
Contains a substantial portion of large molecular weight proteins and lipoproteins 55
Mostly composed of endogenous metabolites56
Invasive collection
Lack of specificity to airway physiology
Less abundance for repeated pediatric collection
Analytes are tube-additive dependent
Identification of small molecule metabolites, especially using NMR is 55 difficult
Induced Sputum |
Complex biofluid
Has high viscosity and uneven consistency57
Composed of a mixture of mucins and other exudates
Composed of protein/peptide components that may reflect disease presence or severity58
Sample collection requires trained personnel
Inducing saline solution may irritate airways
Sampling is variable
Contaminated with plasma, cells, saliva, and microbes58
High viscosity requires further processing
Saliva |
Clear and complex biofluid
Equivalent to serum in reflecting the physiological state of the body
Contains a variety of secreted enzymes, hormones, antibodies, antimicrobial constituents, growth factors, and low molecular weight molecules59
Dominated by short-chain organic acids, with acetic acid being the most abundant60
Endogenous metabolites concentrations are low compared with levels in the blood
Contaminated by metabolites from food and oral microflora, especially bacterial putrefaction
Exhaled breath (condensates and non-condensates) |
EB represents the airway lining fluid, which makes it very useful to study the biochemical and inflammatory molecules in the airway62
Relatively simple composition and contains both volatile and nonvolatile molecules63
VOC can be measured with GC-MS from condensates or non-condensates EB and directly with SOM from non-condensates EB
Non-invasive and easily obtainable
Can be repeated
Relevant to airway physiology
Suitable to analyze both volatile and non-volatile metabolites64
Sample collection is difficult in pediatric population
Affected by exercise, mode and rate of breathing, nasal contamination, environmental temperature, and humidity
Contaminated by exogenous environmental exposures and ammonia and sulfur-containing compounds from the oral cavity
Nasal lavage fluid (NLF) |
Obtained either via direct suction of nasal secretions, or using a nasal wash
The upper respiratory tract is the barrier against environmental exposure
Composed of large quantity of serum proteins and low concentration of nasal proteins and small molecules66
Contains secretions that are involved during early stages of viral infection and inflammation
Sample collection requires trained personnel
Use of hypertonic saline solution may irritate and produce mucus (high total protein concentration)
Low concentration nasal wash proteins
Contains contaminants from environmental exposures
Variation in concentration
Broncho aveolar lavage fluid (BALF) |
Thin liquid layer containing peptides and proteins that contribute to host defense and other functions67
Represents the extracellular alveolar excretion from airway epithelial cells68
The small molecule metabolites in BALF represent both those measured in serum and those that are lung specific69
Sample collection requires highly trained personnel
Very invasive
Requires the introduction of exogenous fluid into alveolar space
High protein and salt concentration and low concentrations of metabolites
Stool |
Less relevant to respiratory diseases
Not commonly obtained in non clinical setting
Difficulty distinguishing nutrition, endogenous, and microbiota metabolites