Fig. 5.
Prediction of Cis-regulatory elements in LhSorNPR1 promoter. a Schematic diagram of cis-regulatory elements involved in the regulation of LhSorNPR1 expression in the promoter region. Distribution of core elements involved in LhSorNPR1 regulation are shown as indicated. The scale on top of the bar represents the distance from the LhSorNPR1 start codon. b Sequence analysis of LhSorNPR1 promoter. 1: WBOXATNPR1, 2: RAV1AAT, 3: ERE, 4: TCA-element, 5: ABRE, 6: Transcription start site, 7: WBOXHVISO1, 8: TATA BOX, 9: CAAT BOX, 10: WRKY71OS. We obtained a 1196 bp DNA fragment upstream of the start codon using hiTAIL-PCR. Cis-regulatory elements in the obtained sequence were predicted by querying PlantCARE and PLACE databases