Fig. 3.
A, Automated 2D chromatography system enables efficient resolution of target peptides. Average recovery and SCX fractionation efficiency of peptides are plotted relative to 1D (n = 4, error bars represent standard deviation of fraction of target in best SCX fraction. Quantification by PRM). B, 2D chromatography reduces total ion current from coisolated contaminant ions, in absence of synthetic targets (n = 3, error bars = standard deviation). C, 2D chromatography improves ion accumulation, in absence of synthetic targets (n = 3, error bars = standard deviation). Maximum ion injection time (200 ms, dashed line) is achieved for phosphorylated peptides. D, 2D chromatography improves the ratio of MS signal specific for target ions (specific ion current), over total ion current within the scan (10 fmol target peptide, currents at apex of chromatographic peak). E, Improvement of SIC/TIC by SCX-RP chromatography is statistically significant (p = 0.0054, paired t test, n = 6).