Figure 3.
Analysis of microarray data in the infected HaCaT cells. (A) Principal component analysis (PCA) analysis plots (showing one dot for each of the triplicate samples) for the HaCaT control cells (green), the HPV11E6 (red), and the HPV18E6 (blue) cells. The HPV11E6 and the HPV18E6 cells had some similarity to each other and both were distinctly different from the control cell. (B) Line graph plots with one line for each of the samples with the intensity of the probes indicated on the X-axis and the frequency of the probe intensity on the Y-axis. In this dataset, all the samples follow the same distribution pattern indicating that there are no obvious outliers in the data. (C,D) Volcano plots of HaCaT cells expressing HPVE6 vs. HaCaT control cells with each dot representing a gene. The X-axis shows the fold change and the Y-axis the p-values. The up- and downregulated genes are on the right- and left-hand side, respectively.