Figure 1.
NMR analysis of the HCV RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase. a, 1H,13C 2D methyl TROSY spectrum of U-15N,2H-, Ile δ1-13C1H3-labeled NS5BΔ21 from the HCV JFH1 strain recorded at 900 MHz. b, structure of NS5B (PDB code 2XXD) shown in a schematic representation with its three subdomains: fingers (in black, residues 1–188 and 225–284), palm (in white, residues 189–224 and 285–358), and thumb (in gray, residues 359–530). The δ1 methyl group of each Ile residue is shown as a sphere and is colored green if the corresponding resonance is observed in the NMR spectrum in a and in red if not. Figures were prepared using PyMOL (PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, version 1.8, Schrödinger, LLC, New York).