Figure 6.
Partially ordered Aβ oligomers induce the subdomain reorientation of the crenezumab Fab to transfer the entropy upon stable antibody–antigen interface formation. a, cluster analysis of the structures. Backbone RMSD = 4 Å is used to define the cluster. Clusters are colored blue, red, gray, yellow, and orange, respectively. b, motion correlation among the residues of the three Fabs and Aβ oligomer. Residues with highly correlated or anti-correlated motion are red or blue. c and d, RMSFs (c) and order parameters S2 (d) of the three Fabs in complex with Aβ oligomer. The locations of CDRs and important constant domain loops are boxed. The curves of solanezumab, crenezumab, and CreneFab are colored black, blue, and red, respectively.