Simulated data set generated by a bounded pDDM. A–E: a
Gaussian psychometric function (solid black curve) was fitted to simulated
binary choice data (black circles), and a Gaussian confidence function (solid
gray curve) was fitted to simulated confidence data (gray circles) at
individual stimulus durations. Eleven virtual subjects with converging bounded
model fits were simulated, yielding 1,980 data points per duration.
x-Axis is stimulus level in tilt. Left
y-axis is % responding + in case of binary response and % confidence
that the stimulus is + in case of confidence response. Right
y-axis shows the confidence interpreted by subjects
(%correct). F–J: confidence histograms aggregated
across all stimulus levels for 10 simulated subjects that yielded converging
fits for both unbounded and bounded models. K: binary choice
threshold estimates as a function of stimulus duration. Unbounded pDDM, bounded
pDDM, and signal detection theory (SDT) threshold predictions were averaged
across 10 simulated subjects. Gray shading shows 95% CI for SDT fit.
L: mean goodness-of-fit scores at individual stimulus
duration for binary responses (top) and confidence responses
(bottom). M: marginal goodness-of-fit
scores across all durations for binary responses (top) and
confidence responses (bottom). Horizontal bars: *positive
evidence (ΔBICBounded − Unbounded > 2), ***very
strong evidence (ΔBICBounded − Unbounded > 10) for
bounded pDDM. These results are the opposite of the analysis from the real
experimental data. Error bars show lower and upper quartiles.