Table 4.
ΔBICBounded −
Unbounded |
pDDM | cbDDM | usDDM | hpfDDM | |
Binary choice | 1.9* [−0.5, 4.5]6 | 8.7** [6.3, 11]10 | −160 [−365, −19]2 | 6.6** [6.4, 6.8]10 |
Confidence | 114*** [87, 133]11 | 115*** [99, 147]11 | 130*** [92, 150]10 | 12*** [4.5, 47]9 |
Values are medians [quartiles]; n = 11. Subscripts indicate the number of subjects that yielded ΔBIC > 2.
Positive evidence for unbounded models (ΔBIC > 2).
Strong evidence for unbounded models (ΔBIC > 6).
(Bold) Very strong evidence for unbounded models (ΔBIC > 10) (Kass and Raftery 1995).