Figure 8. Wnt pathway activity regulates FSC position and FC/EC production.
(a) Fz3-RFP levels (mean and SEM) for region 2a ECs, layer 1–3 FSCs and immediate FCs relative to region 1 ECs (set at 1.0) from 18 biologically independent germaria (n=31 region 2a ECs, n=13 layer 3 FSCs, n=27 layer 2 FSCs, n=32 layer 1 FSCs, n=31 FCs), showing a Wnt signaling gradient across the FSC region. The Fz3-RFP signal differed significantly by Student’s t-test between region 2a ECs and layer 3 FSCs (p<0.01), layer 2 and layer 1 FSCs (p<0.0001), layer 1 FSCs and immediate FCs (p<0.0001). (b–j) MARCM clones analyzed 12d after clone induction with (b–e) Fas3 (red) borders indicated by cyan arrows. (b) WT clone with labeled EC, FSCs and FCs. (c) arr mutant clone with labeled layer 1 FSC and FCs but no labeled ECs. (d) apc1apc2 and (e) axn mutant clones with many labeled ECs (yellow arrows) but no labeled FSC or FCs. (e) Diagonal white line indicates an edge of the original image (shown in Supplementary Fig. 9). (g,i) Increased Wnt pathway activity due to axn or apc mutations (g) decreased the average number of FSCs and drastically increased the average number of labeled ECs per germarium, and (i) decreased the proportion of FSCs in layer 1 in favor of more anterior positions. (f,h,j) Conversely, loss of Wnt pathway activity (f) increased the proportion of FSC clones associated with FCs and decreased the percentage of ovarioles with labeled ECs, (h) decreased the average number of labeled ECs and FSCs per germarium, and (j) increased the proportion of FSCs in layer 1 versus layers 2 and 3. Error bars show SEM for (g) n=75 (WT), n=67 (axnSO), n=64 (axnE77) and n=63 (apc1apc2) biologically independent germaria, (i) n=206 (WT), n=107 (axnSO), n=30 (axnE77) and n=13 (apc1apc2) FSCs, (f, h) n=91 (WT) and n=85 (arr) biologically independent germaria, and (j) n=397 (WT) and n=134 (arr) FSCs. (g, h) Significant differences from controls (WT) were assessed by Pearson’s chi-squared test (* p<1×10−4). (f,i,j) Significant differences from controls (WT) were assessed by Fisher’s exact two-tailed test (* p<0.001, # p<0.05). Scale bars 20μm. See Supplementary Table 1 for supporting data.