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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Nov 6.
Published in final edited form as: Soc Sci Hist. 2016 Winter;40(4):707–470. doi: 10.1017/ssh.2016.28

Table 3.

OLS Models of County Outmigration – Crop Failure Models

Crop failure Crop failure with ecodivisions Crop failure with ecodivisions (robust)

DIAGNOSTICS R squared 0.8431 0.8613 0.9185

Adj. R squared 0.8427 0.8605 0.9180

F statistic 2056 on 8 and 3062 DF 1115 on 17 and 3053 DF

Shapiro test W value 0.8166 0.7868 0.7756

Breusch-Pagan p value 0.0273 0.0006 0.0006

VIF values >3 ecodiv log of pop, ecodiv, crop failure

Moran’s I (if significant) 0.3385 0.2874

INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Odds (sig.) Odds (sig.) Odds (sig.)

Population 2.3009 *** 2.4190 *** 2.3741 ***

Crop failure (ref=0%)
Crop failure 1-5% 1.1245 *** 1.0970 *** 1.0808 ***
Crop failure 5-25% 1.3765 *** 1.1976 *** 1.1822 ***
Crop failure >25% 1.5937 *** 1.2571 *** 1.2270 ***

% change in 1934 average daily max temperature from 20 year normal

% change in 1934 total precipitation from 20 year normal

% of population in retail employment, 1930 1.1076 *** 1.0498 *** 1.0647 ***

% of population in manufacturing employment, 1930 0.9816 *** 0.9860 *** 0.9820 ***

Weighted % change in 3 top crops production, 1930-1940

Est. % of working age (15-64) population unemployed, 1937 1.0033 1.0067** 1.0080 ***

County is urban 0.9390 0.9292 * 0.9665

Ecodivisions (ref= warm continental)
Hot continental 1.0589 1.0788 ***
Subtropical 1.1413 *** 1.2341 ***
Prairie 1.3862 *** 1.3810 ***
Temperate steppe 1.5525 *** 1.5249 ***
Subtropical & tropical steppe 1.7413 *** 1.7568 ***
Subtropical & tropical desert 1.5797 *** 1.6033 ***
Temperate desert 1.4833 *** 1.4369 ***
Mediterranean 1.8149 *** 1.7567 ***
Marine 1.8791 *** 1.8730 ***

Significance codes:






