Fig 11. Values of log10(CFU/mL) of dual-species biofilms treated with anionic formulation.
(A) S. mutans and C. albicans, (B) MRSA and C. albicans, and (C) S. mutans and MRSA. Bars charts show mean and standard deviation (error bars) values of log10(CFU/mL). Box-plot shows median (dash), first and third quartiles (boxes), highest and lowest values (error bars). The same letters showed no statistical difference. Bar charts were used for normal data submitted to parametric analysis, while box-plot was used for non-normal data submitted to non-parametric analysis. C-L-: Control group without PS nor light. N: Biofilm treated with anionic NP without CUR. C-L+: Biofilm treated only with light (43.2 J/cm2). C+L-: Biofilm treated only with anionic CUR-NP at 260 μM. C+L+: Biofilm submitted to aPDT with anionic CUR-NP at 260 μM and 43.2 J/cm2.