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. 2017 Nov 2;101(5):664–685. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.09.008

Table 4.

Summary of the Clinical Features of Individuals with DNMs in CLTC (GenBank: NM_004859.3)

Individual Gender Age at Last Examination DNM (Detection) Cognitive and Behavioral Features Epilepsy Diagnosis Age at Seizure Onset Seizure Types AEDs EEG Brain MRI Associated Neurological Features and Seizure Outcome
PBSD female 11 years, 2 months c.977_980delCAGT (p.Ser326Cysfs8) (cWESa) GDD, borderline IQ at 5 years no seizures NA NA NA NA T2 hypersignal in white matter (hypomyelination) ADHD, impulsivity, poor socialization skills, mild hypotonia, wide-based gait
5289183 male 20 years, 5 months c.1660_1668del (p.Met554_Tyr556del) (cWESa) borderline IQ, learning disabilities NA 14 years one seizure LEV normal normal progressive paraparesis with lower-limb spasticity, ataxia, myoclonus, one seizure without recurrence under LEV, no seizures for 4 years off meds
indvAA male 3 years, 2 months c.2669C>T (p.Pro890Leu) (cWESb) GDD no seizures NA NA NA normal normal mild ataxia, possible myoclonus
CAUSES1 male 4 years, 7 months c.2669C>T (p.Pro890Leu) (WES) GDD, suspected ID no seizures NA NA NA NA normal mild hypotonia, oral and motor apraxia, suspected ADHD
18052017 female 30 years c.2669C>T (p.Pro890Leu) (WESc) moderate ID no seizures NA NA NA normal normal bradykinesia, bradypsychism, hypomimia, hypokinesia, clumsiness, attention instability
indvPAR male 16 years c.3140T>C (p.Leu1047Pro) (trio cWES) severe ID DEE 1 year suspected FIA VPA non-specific irritative pattern, no foci thin and short CC with hypoplasia of its posterior part, wide Virchow-Robin spaces neonatal-onset hypotonia, no speech, acquired microcephaly, severe gastroinstestinal reflux, no seizures under VPA
273692 male 4 years c.3322T>C (p.Trp1108Arg) (WESd) severe GDD, suspected severe ID DEE 2 years M, GTC, possible gelastic seizures LEV abnormal pontocerebellar atrophy, delayed myelination nonambulation, spasticity, dystonia, myoclonus, neonatal feeding difficulties, visual impairment, seizure control with LEV
DDD261801 male 10 years, 7 months c.3595C>T (p.Gln1199) (WESd) mild GDD, mild ID no seizures NA NA NA NA normal neonatal-onset hypotonia, congenital ptosis, poor social skills
indvMB female 7.5 years c.3621_3623del (p.Asp1207del) (WES) GDD, severe ID DEE 3 years febrile GTC, M, To VPA, LTG, CLB, CZP, LEV, TPM, LCM MSW, biF thin CC, T2 hypersignal in white matter, enlarged LVs acquired microcephaly, severe hypotonia, ataxia, oral and motor apraxia, intractable seizures
HSC0054 female 23 years c.4575dupA (p.Glu1526Argfs18) (WGSe) GDD, moderate ID DEE 5 months A, M, To, GTC, Fo CLB, VPA,HCTZ, LEV, LTG, KD gen. SW and PSW delayed myelination, normal at 20 years neonatal hypotonia, scoliosis, intractable seizures until puberty, no seizures under LEV and LTG
LDKQS male 12 years, 10 months c.4605+2T>C (cWESa) GDD, moderate ID no seizures NA NA NA NA normal hypotonia, neonatal feeding difficulties, sensorineural hearing loss
DDD0280 female 6 years c.4663C>T (p.Gln1555) (WESd) GDD, moderate to severe ID no seizures NA NA NA NA ND hypotonia
281177 male 11 years c.4667G>A (p.Trp1556) (WESd) moderate ID no seizures NA NA NA NA ND neonatal hypotonia

Underlining indicates treatment with clinical response (decreased seizure frequency or severity). Abbreviations are as follows: NA, not applicable; ND, not done; cWES, clinical whole-exome sequencing; WGS, whole-genome sequencing; GDD, global developmental delay; IQ, intelligence quotient; ID, intellectual disability; DEE, developmental and epileptic encephalopathy; FIA, focal impaired awareness; M, myoclonic; GTC, generalized tonic-clonic; To, tonic; A, absence; Fo, focal; AED, anti-epileptic therapy; LEV, levetiracetam; VPA, valproic acid; LTG, lamotrigine; CLB, clobazam; CZP, clonazepam; TPM, topiramate; LCM, lacosamide; KD, ketogenic diet; HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide; EEG, electroencephalography; MSW, multifocal spike-wave; biF, bi-frontal predominance; gen. SW, generalized spike-wave; PSW, poly-spike and wave; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; WM, white-matter tracts; CC, corpus callosum; LV, lateral ventricle; and ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.




Radboud University Medical Center.


Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù.


DDD study.

