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. 2017 Sep-Oct;33(5):1182–1187. doi: 10.12669/pjms.335.13286


Fetal and Maternal outcomes Group A v/s B (n=50).

Fetal outcomes Group-A (n=25) Group-B (n=25) P- value

Mean±SD Mean±SD
Weight of the baby (kg) 3.14±0.32 3.44±0.46 0.01*
Apgar score 8.64±0.56 8.22±2.43 0.39
n (%) n (%)
Delivery age 0.021*
  37 weeks 19(76%) 11(44%)
  38 weeks 6(24%) 14(56%)
Condition of baby 0.49@
  Alive baby 25(100%) 23(96%)
  Intrauterine death 0 2(8%)
  Still birth 0 0
Maternal outcomes Mean±SD Mean±SD
HbA1C-2 (%) (36weeks) 5.42±0.34 5.72±0.35 0.003*
FBS -2 (36 weeks) 93.48±11.9 102.08±20.63 0.079
n (%) n (%)
Mode of delivery NA
  Normal vaginal 7(28%) 5(20%)
  Assisted delivery 2(8%) 3(12%)
  Cesarean section 16(64%) 17(68%)
  Cesarean due to bad obstetric history 14(56%) 10(40%)
 Cesarean due to Feto–maternal disproportion 2(8%) 7(28%)

Group-A: Metformin with diet control and exercise, Group-B: Insulin with diet control and exercise, HbA1C-2: Glycated hemoglobin at 36 weeks, FBS-2: fasting blood sugar at 36 weeks,


statistically significant result (chi square and independent T test applied), NA: chi-square test not applicable, @: Fisher exact test applied.