Table 1.
Contrasting activity of RSV and PVM nonstructural proteins on select ISGs
ISG name | GenBank# | % Reduction by RSV NS1 or NS2 | % Reduction by PVM NS1 or NS2 [24] |
IFIT1 | NM_001548 | 84% NS1, 17% NS2 | Not done |
IFITM3 | NM_021034 | 82% NS1, 17% NS2 | Not done |
MAPK8 | AB451231.1 | 2% NS1, 33% NS2 | Not done |
IFITM1 | NM_003641 | 7% NS1, 5% NS2 | 63% NS1, 32% NS2 |
TRAFD1 | NM_006700 | 16% NS1, 0% NS2 | 68% NS1, 76% NS2 |
ISG20 | NM_002201 | 23% NS1, 0% NS2 | 18% NS1, 54% NS2 |
This is a numerical summary of reduction of the selected ISGs by the two pneumoviral NS proteins, expressed individually. The RSV data were calculated with the average band intensities of the immunoblot of Fig. 1a, which were also graphically plotted in Fig. 1b, and the PVM data were calculated by densitometry of the corresponding immunoblot in our recent publication [24]. “Not done” indicates ISGs for which recombinant mouse homologs were unavailable. Note that in this Table we present the percent reduction of the ISG, whereas in Fig. 1b (bar graph), the percent remaining is plotted; thus 84% reduction of ISG here corresponds to 16% remaining ISG in Fig. 1b. RSV NS proteins affected the upper three ISGs are more strongly than the lower three