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. 2015 Dec 3;11(3):531–541. doi: 10.1177/1557988315620275

Table 3.

Distribution of Participants’ Opinions About Vasectomy Use According to Gender (N = 296a; Gaziantep, Turkey, 2013).

Opinions n % n % n % χ2
Participant has heard about vasectomy (n = 700)
 Yes 138 39.4 158 45.1 296 42.3 2.341 .146
 No 212 60.6 192 54.9 404 57.7
Participant sees vasectomy as a safe contraceptive method
 Yes 113b 81.9 73 46.2 186 62.8 95.813 .000*
 No 25 18.1 7 4.4 32 10.8
 Do not know 0 0.0 78 49.4 78 26.4
Participant sees vasectomy as a difficult procedure
 Easy 41 29.7 33 20.9 74 25.0 8.995 .000*
 Difficult 39 28.3 31 19.6 70 23.6
 Do not know 58 42.0 94b 59.5 152 51.4
Current environment includes people who have adverse reaction toward vasectomy
 Yes 82b 59.4 65 41.1 147 49.7 22.208 .000*
 No 0 0.0 19 12.0 19 6.4
 Do not know 56 40.6 74 46.9 130 43.9
Participants’ views affected by environment that is adverse to vasectomy
 Yes 116b 84.1 71 44.9 187 63.2 48.460 .000*
 No 22 15.9 87 55.1 109 36.8
Willing to have vasectomy/tubal ligation
 Yes 29 21.0 18 11.4 47 15.9 5.106 .000*
 No 109 79.0 140b 88.6 249 84.1
Number of children required before considering vasectomy/tubal ligation (n = 71)c
 3 children 17 37.0 14 56.0 31 43.7 18.652 .000*
 4 children 29b 63.0 5 20.0 34 47.9
 5 children and more 0 0.0 6 24.0 6 8.4
Vasectomy’s effect on men’s health
 Does not affect 100b 72.5 65 41.1 165 55.7 33.808 .000*
 Affects negatively 38 27.5 93 58.9 131 44.3
Vasectomy’s effect on marriage
 Does not affect 124b 89.9 96 60.8 220 74.3 33.566 .000*
 Affects positively 0 0.0 6 3.8 6 2.0
 Affects negatively 14 10.1 56 35.4 70 23.7
Reasons given for views about negative effects (n = 70)c
 Environmental 14 100.0 35b 62.5 49 70.0 7.500 .006*
 Sexuality 0.0 0.0 21 37.5 21 30.0
Vasectomy’s effect on sexual health
 Does not affect 133b 96.4 98 62.0 231 78.0 50.823 .000*
 Affects positively 0 0.0 4 2.5 4 1.4
 Affects negatively 5 3.6 56 35.4 61 20.6

Responses of participants who had heard vasectomy. bGroup forming the difference. cColumn totals vary by number of responses.


p < .05.