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. 2015 Dec 3;11(3):531–541. doi: 10.1177/1557988315620275

Table 4.

Distribution of Participants’ Responses to Propositions About Vasectomy According to Gender (N = 296a; Gaziantep, Turkey, 2013).

Propositions n % n % n % χ2
Vasectomy is imposed by Western countries and is not suitable for Turkish
 Agree 138b 100.0 47 29.7 185 62.5 1.551 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 16 10.1 16 5.4
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 95 60.1 95 32.1
Vasectomy results in loss of a man’s status in society
 Agree 138b 100.0 56 35.4 194 65.5 1.359 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 14 8.9 14 4.7
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 88 55.7 88 29.7
If a married couple does not want to have more children, men should be responsible for contraception
 Agree 0.0 0.0 17 10.8 17 5.7 20.758 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 5 3.2 5 1.7
 Disagree 138b 100.0 136 86.1 274 92.6
Vasectomy has a psychologically negative effect on men
 Agree 138b 100.0 86 37.8 224 75.7 83.099 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 23 100.0 23 7.7
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 49 100.0 49 16.6
Men with a vasectomy lose their authority in the family
 Agree 0.0 0.0 50 31.6 50 16.9 86.177 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 24 15.2 24 8.1
 Disagree 138b 100.0 84 53.2 222 75.0
Use of vasectomy as a method of family planning is not a correct practice
 Agree 138b 100.0 86 54.4 224 75.7 83.099 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 24 15.2 24 8.1
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 48 30.4 48 75.0
Vasectomy is important for the health of the family
 Agree 0.0 0.0 43 27.2 43 14.5 72.742 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 22 13.9 22 7.5
 Disagree 138b 100.0 93 58.9 231 78.0
Vasectomy is suitable for poor people
 Agree 0.0 0.0 14 8.9 14 4.7 12.835 .000*
 Disagree 138b 100.0 144 91.1 282 95.3
Having many children gives a man status in society
 Agree 95 68.8 43 27.2 138 41.6 1.591 .000*
 No opinion 43 31.2 5 3.2 48 16.2
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 110b 69.6 110 37.2
Vasectomy is a cultural taboo
 Agree 138b 100.0 29 18.4 167 56.4 1.997 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 36 21.5 34 11.5
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 95 60.2 95 32.1
Having a large number of children is important for elder care
 Agree 138b 100.0 48 20.4 186 62.8 1.529 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 18 11.4 18 6.7
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 92 58.2 92 31.1
Tubal ligation for women is easier than vasectomy
 Agree 138b 100.0 41 15.9 179 60.5 1.690 .000*
 No opinion 0.0 0.0 83 52.5 83 28.0
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 34 21.5 34 11.5
Men lose their sexuality after vasectomy
 Agree 124b 89.9 21 13.3 145 49.0 1.766 .000*
 No opinion 14 10.1 73 46.2 87 29.4
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 64 40.5 64 21.6
Men do not get pleasure from sexual intercourse after vasectomy
 Agree 95b 68.8 19 12.0 114 38.5 1.205 .000*
 No opinion 43 31.2 79 50.0 122 41.2
 Disagree 0.0 0.0 60 38.0 60 20.3

Responses of participants who had heard vasectomy. bGroup forming the difference.


p < .05.