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. 2016 Sep 29;11(4):877–879. doi: 10.1177/1557988316669617

Table 1.

Responses to Survey Items.

In your opinion, how significant are each of the following health issues in terms of their impact on Canadian men? (N = 452)
Very significant Fairly significant Not very significant Not at all significant No opinion
Depression 37.1 41.6 15.5 2.6 3.2
How informed do you feel about the following men’s health issues? (N = 452)
Very well informed Fairly well informed Not very well informed Not at all informed
Depression 17.8 40.7 36.9 4.6
When thinking about men’s mental health, how likely is it that you would: (N = 452)
Extremely likely Somewhat likely Not sure Somewhat unlikely Extremely unlikely
Be able to talk with a partner/spouse about men’s depression 21.5 42.4 24.5 8.6 3.0
Be able to talk with a family member about men’s depression 17.5 42.4 24.7 10.7 4.6
Be able to talk with a close friend about men’s depression 18.7 40.9 29.2 8.0 3.2
How likely would you be to seek out professional help if you were experiencing serious emotional problems? (N = 451)
Definitely would Probably would Probably would not Definitely would not
32.7 49.9 16.5 0.9

Note. All values are in percentage.