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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Rev Neurol. 2017 Feb 10;13(3):171–191. doi: 10.1038/nrneurol.2017.13

Table 4.

Human Studies of Neuroinflammation after TBI: Selected Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials
Therapy Effects on Inflammation Study / Design N Dose Primary Outcome Secondary Outcomes Comments Refs
Anatibant Block bradykinin signaling, prevent BBB disruption “Brain Trial” Multicenter RCT 228 adults with GCS ≤ 12 Low (10mg load, 5mg/d), Mid (20mg load, 10mg/d), High (30mg load, 15mg/d) vs. placebo No difference in incidence of serious adverse events Trend towards harm in discharge GCS, DRS, and HIREOS Recruitment paused due to DSMB concerns

Terminated due to withdrawal of funding
Cyclosporin A Reduces T-cell counts and activation Single center RCT 38 adults with GCS ≤ 8 5mg/kg over 24h vs. 10mg/kg over 48h vs. placebo No difference in T-cell counts in blood No difference in incidence of infection Reduced lymphocyte count on admission associated with worse outcome and increased respiratory infections 261
Dexanabinol Inhibitor of TNFα

NMDA antagonism
Multicenter RCT 861 adults with ICP monitoring, GCS motor 2–5 Single 150mg dose vs. placebo, within 6h of injury No difference in GOS-E at 6mo No difference in adverse events 262
Erythropoietin Decreases production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines

IL-1 and TNF block EPO production
“EPO-TBI” Multicenter RCT 606 adults with moderate and severe groups - GCS 9–12 and GCS ≤ 8 40,000IU weekly x 3wk vs. placebo No difference in GOS-E at 6mo No difference in mortality or DVT Mortality reduced in patients without mass lesions, no increase in good outcome

Many patients did not receive full course
Multicenter RCT 200 adults with TBI, unable to follow commands 500IU/kg q24h x 3 doses or 500IU/kg x 1 dose then weekly x 2wk vs. placebo No difference in GOS-E at 6mo No difference in mortality, ARDS, or infection Original dosing regimen (daily x 3 doses) stopped by FDA due to safety concern (higher mortality in stroke trial) 15
G-CSF Stimulate stem cells to produce granulocytes Multicenter RCT 61 adults GCS ≤ 8 expected to require mechanical ventilation > 3d 75μg/d vs. 300μg/d x 10d vs. placebo Dose-dependent increase in neutrophil count No difference in mortality, LOS, or nosocomial infection

Significant decrease in bacteremia incidence
Adverse events similar between groups

Included patients with cerebral hemorrhage as well as TBI
Hypertonic saline Improve T-cell function

Reduced TNF-α and IL-10
Multicenter RCT 1331 adults with severe TBI 250mL bolus of 7.5% saline / 6% dextran 70 vs. 7.5% saline vs. 0.9% saline initiated pre-hospital No difference in GOS-E at 6mo No difference in survival at 28d Terminated early for futility 263
Hypothermia Humoral and cellular immune response is temperature dependent

Decreased neutrophil accumulation in CNS

Decreased IL-1β, possibly by reduction in temperature-dependent Caspase-1 activity
“Cool Kids” Multicenter RCT 77 children with GCS ≤ 8 32–33°C vs. 36.5–37.5°C for 48–72h No difference in mortality at 3mo No adverse events Terminated early for futility 264
Multicenter RCT 225 children with GCS ≤ 8 32.5°C vs. 37°C for 24h No difference in 6mo PCPC score No difference in mortality Trend to increased mortality and significantly higher incidence of hypotension and vasoactive agent use during rewarming (+0.5°C q2h) 11
“NABIS: H II” Multicenter RCT 97 adults with GCS 4–8

Enrolled within 2.5h of injury
32–34°C vs. 35.5 – 37°C for 72h No difference in 6mo outcome No difference in mortality Terminated early for futility

Improved outcomes in patients with evacuated hematoma treated with hypothermia
Eurotherm3235 Multicenter RCT 387 adults with severe TBI and ICP > 20mmHg despite stage 1 treatments Cooled to 32–35°C followed by stage 2 if ICP remained high vs. stage 2 treatments alone Lower GOS-E in hypothermia group Stage 3 treatments (coma, craniectomy) were required in more patients of the control group Terminated early for safety concerns 180
Anakinra Block IL-1 signal transduction Single Center RCT 20 adults with GCS ≤ 8 100mg S.Q. q24h x 5 doses Increased IL-1ra in CNS ECF within 6h PCA of 42 cytokine multiplex demonstrated separation between treatment and placebo groups Subsequent study showed patients receiving rIL-1ra had cytokines biasing to M1-like microglial phenotype
Control patients were relatively biased to M2-like phenotype
Probiotics Modify lymphocyte polarization prior to CNS infiltration Single Center RCT 52 adults with GCS 5–8 109 bacteria for 21d vs. placebo No difference in 28d mortality On day 21, treatment group had higher IFNγ and lower IL-10 and IL-4 Trend to decrease late VAP

Unclear what effects might be in CNS
Statins Inhibit expression of vascular adhesion molecules and chemokines to reduce leukocyte infiltration of CNS

Associated with reductions in pro-inflammatory cytokines
Single Center RCT 21 adults with GCS 9–13 Rosuvastatin 20mg/d x 10d vs placebo Modest decrease in amnesia and disorientation time No difference in disability at 3mo Subsequent study showed reduction in plasma TNFα at 72h 268,269
Steroids Inhibit leukocyte activation and infiltration

Modulate cytokine release

Progesterone decreased upregulation of IL-1β, TNFα, and complement factors 3 and 5

Reduce M1-like microglial activation
“CRASH” Multicenter RCT 10,008 adults with GCS ≤ 14 Methylprednisolone
Load: 2g over 1h
Maintenance: 0.4g/h x 48h vs placebo
Higher risk of mortality at 2wk in steroid group Higher risk of mortality at 6mo in steroid group Terminated early for safety concerns 167
Multicenter RCT 161 adults with TBI and coma Dexamethasone 100mg vs placebo No difference in survival No difference in 6mo outcome 168
Multicenter RCT 163 adults with GCS 9–12 and 957 adults with GCS 4–8 Tirilazad
10mg/kg within 4h of injury and q6 x 5d vs placebo
No difference in 6mo GOS No difference in mortality Significant differences in pretreatment hypotension and hypoxia related to inter-center variation 170
“Corti-TC” Multicenter RCT 336 adults with GCS ≤ 8 Hydrocortisone
(200mg/day, tapered) + Fludrocortisone (50μg/day) x 10d vs. placebo
No difference in incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia No change when analyzed according to presence or absence of adrenal insufficiency Study may have been underpowered due to lower than expected incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia 171
“ProTECT III” Multicenter RCT 882 adults with GCS 4–12 Progesterone
Infusion started within 4h of injury, duration 96h
No difference in 6mo-GOS No difference in mortality Terminated for futility 14
“SyNAPSe” Multicenter RCT 1195 adults with GCS ≤ 8 Progesterone
0.71mg/kg load then
0.5mg/kg/h infusion for 119h
No difference in 6mo-GOS No difference in mortality 13

Abbreviations: TBI – traumatic brain injury; BBB – blood brain barrier; RCT – randomized controlled trial; GCS – Glasgow coma scale; DRS – Disability Rating Scale; HIREOS – head injury related early outcomes score; DSMB – data safety monitoring board; TNF – tumor necrosis factor; NMDA – N-methyl-D-aspartate; ICP – intracranial pressure; IL – interleukin; EPO – erythropoietin; DVT – deep venous thrombosis; ARDS – acute respiratory distress syndrome; LOS – length of stay; PCPC – pediatric cerebral performance category; CNS – central nervous system; ECF – extracellular fluid; PCA – principal components analysis; GABA – gamma-aminobutyric acid; IFN – interferon; VAP – ventilator associated pneumonia