Experimental and simulated optical results of CSB dyed banded α- and δ-mannitol (cPVP = 15 wt%, cCSB = 0.5 wt%, Tcrystal = 95 °C (α-) and 110 °C (δ-), λ = 630 nm): measured |LB| (a,o) |LD| (c,q), LD angle (e,s), CB (g,u), CD (i,w), and the extracted optical properties along the white lines in the |LB| image for α- and δ-mannitol and the corresponding simulation results on their right. All the units are in radians. Parameters used in the simulation for α-mannitol: N = 9, B = −i0.022, Φdye = ±10°, Θdye = ±80°, Ψ = 15°; and for δ-mannitol: N = 9, B = −i0.025, Φdye = ±70°, Θdye = ± 20°, Ψ = 15°. The measured CB and CD are not azimuthally invariant. We expect them to be. The deviations from circular symmetry are more pronounced in Mueller matrix element M41 than in M14. We do not understand this aspect of the images at present.