Figure 4.
Constitutive HSP‐1 forms the most efficient protein disaggregase in vitro and in vivo. (A) In vitro reactivation of preformed luciferase aggregates (heat‐denatured) with either constitutive HSP‐1 or inducible worm Hsp70 homologs (HSP‐70, HSP‐70’, and HSP‐70”). All disaggregation/refolding reactions contain HSP‐110, DNJ‐12, and DNJ‐13. Control (no chaperones) in black. Representative experiment shown; N = 3. (B) Fluorescent images of luciR188Q,R216Q‐YFP aggregation in Caenorhabditis elegans muscle tissue. Effects of different Hsp70 knockdowns shown prior to heat shock (left column), 4 h post‐heat shock (middle column), and 4 days post‐heat shock (right column). The respective Hsp70 RNAi depletions indicated in text on right. Control, nematodes fed empty RNAi vector L4440 (Top row, left column). Scale bar = 10 μm. N = 30 nematodes per condition. (C) Western blots of the supernatant and pellet profiles of luciR188Q,R216Q‐YFP in lysates obtained from RNAi knockdown (KD) of cytosolic and nuclear Hsp70 chaperones in muscle tissue of C. elegans. The YFP moiety fused to luciR188Q,R216Q immunoblotted with a cross‐reacting antibody raised against GFP.