Reduction of chromosome number occurs in triploid C. elegans. (A–D) Images of GFP::histone in a diakinesis oocyte of a diploid hermaphrodite (two focal planes (A), a metaphase I embryo from a diploid hermaphrodite (single focal plane) (B), a diakinesis oocyte of a triploid hermaphrodite (three focal planes) (C), and a metaphase I embryo from a triploid hermaphrodite (two focal planes) (D) Bar, 8 μm for (A–D). (E) DNA bodies were counted following three-dimensional (3D) fluorescence microscopy of metaphase II spindles in embryos of triploid hermaphrodites expressing GFP::H2B. (F and G) DNA bodies were counted following 3D fluorescence microscopy of the diakinesis oocytes in the adult hermaphrodite progeny of 3N hermaphrodites mated with 2N males (F), and of adult hermaphrodite progeny of 3N males mated with 2N hermaphrodites (G). (H) A corrected distribution of chromosomes in the total progeny of triploid hermaphrodites is compared with the distribution of chromosomes that is observed in MII spindles. Student’s t-test P = 0.0055; Chi square P < 0.0001.