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. 2017 Apr 5;34(3):263–272. doi: 10.5114/biolsport.2017.67122


Descriptive statistics and differences between first-division and second-division Centre players.

Centers First division
Centers (n = 22)
Second division
Centers (n = 17)
T test Effect Size
Mean±SD Mean±SD t value d 95%CI
BH (cm) 204.07±4.13 197.86±4.67 4.22 1.38 (L) 0.67/2.08
MRH (cm) 265.32±6.58 257.57±7.49 3.26 1.13 (M) 0.44/1.80
BM (kg) 101.32±11.31 92.60±8.23 2.56 0.85 (M) 0.19/1.51
BF% (%) 8.46±2.39 11.74±4.08 -3.08 -1.04 (M) -1.66/-0.32
SBJ (cm) 244.36±24.96 234.64±21.04 1.21 0.43 (S) -0.23/1.05
CMJ (cm) 43.65±5.55 44.54±5.64 -0.47 -0.16 (T) -0.79/0.48
MVJ_ND (cm) 65.82±8.87 66.50±7.35 -0.21 -0.09 (T) -0.71/0.55
MVJ_D (cm) 72.41±9.57 72.80±7.19 -0.11 -0.05 (T) -0.68/0.59
LU_ND (cm) 63.36±7.29 64.80±8.08 -0.50 -0.11 (T) -0.74/0.53
LU_D (cm) 70.18±8.04 70.80±6.37 -0.21 -0.09 (T) -0.72/0.55
RSI (index) 1.44±0.31 1.37±0.35 0.56 0.21 (S) -0.43/0.84
RRSA (index) 1.47±0.40 1.36±0.23 0.82 0.32 (S) -0.32/0.96

BH – body height; MRH – maximal reach height; BM – body mass; BF% - body fat percentage, SBJ – standing broad jump; CMJ – countermovement jump; MVJ_ND – maximal vertical jump non dominant leg; MVJ_D – maximal vertical jump dominant leg; LU_ND – lay-up shot jump non dominant leg; LU_D – lay-up jump dominant leg

denotes significant t-values at p < 0.05

d - magnitude-based Cohen’s effect size; CI – confidence interval; (T) – trivial differences; (S) – small differences; (M) – moderate differences; (L) – large differences.