Schematic of multifractal elaboration of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA)
algorithm. In this schematic, we consider the entire series of squared residuals
left over from the binned detrending (top left panel). What multifractal DFA
does is to introduce a parameter q that, for standard DFA, only
equals 2. Different values of q amplify residuals of different
size. As the top-right panel shows, residuals raised to the exponent q is
equivalent to squared residuals for standard DFA, residuals raised to exponents
q greater than 2 leave large errors relatively large while
diminishing smaller errors, and residuals raised to exponents q
less than 2 amplify small errors and diminish larger errors. The bottom panels
show how, whereas DFA uses a single series of squared residuals, multifractal
DFA uses as many series of error-raised-to-exponent-q as there
are values of q. Each series of
error-raised-to-exponent-q contributes to a specific
relationship between qth-RMq and bin size,
yielding potentially many linear relationships on logarithmic axes and so
potentially many slopes.