Percentage of CCL5 receptors expressed on NK cells infiltrated in Ctrl and BECN1− B16-F10 tumors. NK cells infiltrating Ctrl and BECN1− B16-F10 tumors were stained with NK1.1-, CCR1-, CCR3-, and CCR5-specific antibodies and subjected to flow cytometric analyses. NK1.1+/CD45+CD11b−CD19− cells were gated and the percentage of CCR1+, CCR3+, and CCR5+ NK cells were determined. (A) Representative flow cytometry plots of NK1.1+CCR1+, NK1.1+CCR3+, and NK1.1+CCR5+ in Ctrl and BECN1− B16-F10 tumors. Quadrant settings were based on the cells stained with FMO and then applied to the plots of cells stained with positive antibodies. (B) Percentage of CCR1+, CCR3+, and CCR5+ total NK cells infiltrating Ctrl and BECN1− tumors. Not-significant differences were observed in CCR1, CCR3, and CCR5 between Ctrl and BECN1− tumors.