Fig. 2.
Off-target editing with a more efficient Editase can be reduced using a guide with a site-specific A–G mismatch to Mecp2 mRNA. (A) Percent A-to-I editing at the R106Q (mean ± SD, n = 3) site after transfection into N2A cells of guide RNA and EditaseWT or EditaseE488Q (mean ± SD; n = 3, includes data in B). (B) Representative chromatograms of Mecp2R106Q cDNA edited with EditaseWT (Top) or EditaseE488Q (Bottom). (C) Mecp2 mRNA relative to two different guide RNAs (green). The standard guide (Top) contains an A–C mismatch (R106Q) at the target A (highlighted in bold) to enhance editing. The modified guide (Bottom) contains an A–G mismatch at an off-target A marked by an asterisk to inhibit editing at this site. (D) Chromatograms of Mecp2 cDNA after transfection of N2A cells with EditaseE488Q and a guide containing only the mismatch at the target site (Top) or the modified guide containing both the on-target A–C mismatch and the A–G mismatch at the off-target site (Bottom). (E) Off-target editing is severely reduced with the guide containing the A–G mismatch (mean ± SD; n = 3, includes data in D). (F) Presence of the off-target A–G mismatch does not affect editing at the R106Q site (mean ± SD; n = 3, includes data in D). Light-gray bars, cells transfected with Editase alone; dark-gray bars, cells transfected with Editase and guide; black bars, cells transfected with Editase and guide containing the A–G mismatch. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. ns, not significant.