Na+ stimulation constant of the Trp→D2G FRET (K0.5(Na+)) with MelBSt WT and mutants D55C and D59C. The FRET signals from Trp residues of MelBSt to the dansyl moiety of a fluorescent sugar (D2G) in response to increasing Na+ concentration were measured as described in Materials and methods. (a, c, and d) The purified WT MelBSt (a) or MelBSt single-site mutants D55C (c) or D59C (d) in a Na+-free buffer containing 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 50 mM ChCl, 0.035% UDM, and 10% glycerol were adjusted to a protein concentration of 1 µM. D2G in 20% DMSO was added at 1 min (red arrows) at a concentration of 10 µM (Kd value for D2G binding to MelBSt in the presence of Na+). NaCl solutions of increasing concentrations were consecutively added, up to a final concentration of ~50 mM for the WT MelBSt and ~200 mM for the mutants (black arrows). Finally, melibiose was added at an oversaturating concertation (green arrows). In control experiments, identical water volumes, instead of NaCl solution, was used (gray arrows) to control for sample dilution. Data collection and correction were as described in Materials and methods. (b) An increase in FRET intensity is expressed as diffFRET (the difference before and after the addition of NaCl), and the value for K0.5(Na+) was determined by fitting a hyperbolic function to the diffFRET versus Na+ concentration. Error bars, standard error (SEM); the number of tests = 4.