Figure 2. Adaptive binning tracks avalanche organization during behaviorally induced transient activity changes in PFC.
(A) Fixed binning defines clusters (grey area) by successive time bins of constant duration Δt with at least one nLFP (diamonds). The temporal resolution Δt does not change for trials or epochs. Size s is defined as the number of nLFPs per cluster. (B) Large avalanches (red) dominate for left trials during LATE. Avalanche raster with size coded by color and dot size at fixed Δt for left (top) and right (bottom) trials for 2 consecutive recording days. (C) Significant increases (orange) and decreases (purple) in average time course for avalanche rate (top) and size (bottom) for left (black) and right (green) trials. (D) Adaptive binning links Δt for each trial i to the average nLFP rate during epochs resulting in three different temporal resolutions for cluster definition: (cp. A). (E) Same as in B, but for adaptive binning. Note sparseness of very large avalanches (cp. B). (F) Adaptive binning increases avalanche rate significantly during LATE while reducing avalanche size (cp. C).