The simulated magnetization ratios with (solid line: kf,CK = 0.25 sec-1; kf,ATPase = 0.14 sec-1) and without (dashed line: kf,CK= kf,ATPase= 0 sec-1) considering chemical exchange effects are shown as function of TR (a) . Neglecting chemical exchange effects lead to underestimation of PCr/γATP, and overestimation of γATP/Pi and PCr/Pi ratio (b). The effects of FA on the magnetization ratios are also shown in different color line (black line: FA=30°, blue line: FA=45°, red line: FA=90°) in (a) and (b). The effects of kf,
CK and kf, ATPase on the magnetization ratios are also shown in (c). Spin system parameters: pool size ratio (PCr:γATP:Pi) = 1:0.55:0.21; intrinsic T1 for PCr, γATP, and Pi are 3.83, 1.24, and 4.03 sec, respectively.