Fig. 6.
c-kit-BMCs express three fluorescent reporter genes in vitro and in vivo. a Low power magnification images illustrating native fluorescence of c-kit-BMCs transduced with three lentiviruses carrying eCFP (blue), mCherry (red) or eYFP (yellow). Scale bars = 20 µm. Arrows indicate the cells illustrated at higher magnification in panel b. b Individual c-kit-BMCs show the primary colors, i.e., red, yellow and cyan, and their multiple combinations. Scale bars = 5 µm. c Scatter plots documenting the detection of YFP, CFP or mCherry and their combinations in c-kit-positive cells by flow-cytometry. Non-infected c-kit-BMCs were used as negative control (upper panels). d–g 4 days after coronary artery occlusion and the delivery of red-green-blue (RGB) marked c-kit-BMCs, an area of the infarcted myocardium is replaced by cells positive for mCherry (d, red), YFP (e, green), and CFP (f, blue). The 4 rectangles in the merged panel (d) delineate clusters of cells uniformly labeled: clusters 1 and 2 are composed of cells predominantly white (red, green and blue together = white); cluster 3 is composed of cells predominantly yellow (red and green together = yellow); and cluster 4 is composed of cells predominantly turquoise (green and blue together = turquoise). Sections d–g were examined by epifluorescence microscopy. Scale bar = 200 µm