Figure 2.
The effect of oral administration of l-Phe on food intake, energy expenditure and activity in rats. The effect of OG administration of vehicle (10% TWEEN20 in water; control) or 6 mmol kg−1 l-Phe on (a) the timeline of cumulative food intake and the AUC at 0–120 min, (b) the timeline of cumulative food intake at 0–12 h, (c) the timeline of VO2 and the AUC at 0–120 min; (d) the timeline of VCO2 and the AUC at 0–120 min; (e) the timeline of respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and the AUC at 0–120 min, (f) the timeline of activity (XTOT) and the AUC at 0–120 min in rats injected at the onset of the dark phase and placed in comprehensive laboratory animal-monitoring system cages for 12 h. Recordings were taken over a period of 12 h at 16 min intervals following administration. High-resolution food intake recordings were taken every minute for 120 min. Dotted lines on graphs represent the 0–120 min interval. Data presented as mean±s.e.m. and AUC. n=8, *P<0.05.