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. 2017 Dec;107(12):1910–1915. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303994


Summary of Twitter Analysis: Online Pharmacies Promoting Illegal Sale of Prescription Opioid Drugs, 2015

Drug Name Total Tweets, No. Most Correlated Tweets, No. Relevant Tweets, % Tweets With Links (Provided Tweet Is Relevant), % Live Links, % Distinct Links, No.
Codeine 431 625 874 48 68 3.1 2
Percocet 75 215 410 69 99 0.3 1
Fentanyla 28 711 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vicodin 28 610 286 95 100 1.4 2
Oxycontin 27 734 465 59 99 2.9 2
Oxycodone 18 061 336 82 99 2.6 1
Hydrocodone 9 981 282 93 87 10.0 3

We were not able to detect tweets correlated with illicit online pharmacy marketing through our Biterm Topic Model approach to content coding data.