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. 2017 Dec;107(12):1930–1936. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304072


Prevalence of Past-30-Day Concealed Loaded Handgun Carrying by State Concealed Carry Laws and Concealed Carry Permit Status Among Handgun Owners: National Firearms Survey, United States, 2015

State Concealed Carry Law Concealed Carry Permit Holders (n = 507), % (95% CI) Concealed Carry Permit Nonholders (n = 933), % (95% CI) Total (n = 1440), % (95% CI)a
All states 49.8 (44.8, 54.9) 5.0 (3.5, 7.2) 21.1 (18.7, 23.7)
Unrestricted states 40.9 (19.5, 66.5) 15.1 (6.0, 33.2) 21.1 (11.7, 35.1)
Shall issue—no discretion states 55.4 (48.2, 62.3) 6.4 (3.9, 10.5) 25.2 (21.5, 29.3)
Shall issue—limited discretion states 46.3 (38.1, 54.7) 3.4 (1.7, 6.7) 20.1 (16.2, 24.5)
May-issue states 35.5 (21.7, 52.2) 1.2 (0.4, 3.8) 9.1 (5.6, 14.6)

Note. CI = confidence interval. Percentages are weighted sample proportions.


Total excludes 4 respondents who refused to disclose whether they had a concealed carry permit.