Panx1 and 2 expression in human LG. (A–D) Panx1 (brown) is specifically expressed in the LG (in LG lobes labeled with white arrowheads) ducts (duct), acini (ac), blood vessels (bv), and infiltrating lymphocytes (I; yellow arrows) of the human LG. Panx1 expression was visualized by different antibodies to Panx1: (A, B) rabbit polyclonal antibody to Panx1 (Sigma-Aldrich; HPA016930) and (C) affinity purified rabbit Panx1 antibody CT-395 (Px-34, also see Supplementary Fig. S1). (D) Panx2 (Aviva Systems Biology, Cat# ARP42778_T100) is expressed in the LG. (E, F) Negative controls to Panx1 and 2 antibodies in which primary antibodies were substituted with the isotype-specific immunoglobulins (normal rabbit IgG, Sigma-Aldrich). (A–F) LG was obtained from a 90-year-old female donor.