Metabolite production from glucose bio-conversion in micro-aerobic cultures of IMZ500 (Δpdc1,5,6 MTH1ΔT p426GPD) and IME307 (Δpdc1,5,6 Δilv2 MTH1ΔTcoilvBCDNcokdcA). Cells were first grown in SMG medium in aerobic, pH-controlled bioreactors, then washed with water and resuspended to a final cell density of ~12 g/L in SMG medium supplemented with Tween-80 (420 mg/L) and ergosterol (10 mg/L) with the initial pH set to 6.0. Cells were then incubated micro-aerobically at 30 °C and metabolite concentrations were measured during linear glucose consumption. Data are presented as average and mean deviation of duplicate experiments. *Sum total of extracellular diacetyl and acetolactate, BD: Below detection limit of analytical methods, NA: Not applicable, ND: Not determined, DHIV: 2,3-dihydroxy-isovalerate, KIV: α-keto-isovalerate.