Table 4.
Summary of Multiple Linear Regression Analyses
Covariates controlled for in Primary Analyses | Non-Significant Predictors* | Significant Predictors of Number of Family Therapy Sessions Attended** | Study Hypotheses Supported? | Significant Predictors in Combined Model (covariates + primary study variables) | Study Hypotheses Supported? |
Patient Variables
Patient Variables
Maladaptive coping hypothesis supported Results in opposite direction of adaptive coping hypothesis |
Covariates of caregiver education, patient symptom severity, Patient RCAS Plead, Caregiver RCAS Interpersonal Religious Support | Maladaptive coping hypothesis supported Results in opposite direction of adaptive coping hypothesis |
FES = Family Environment Scale; RCAS = Religious Coping Activities Scale; RCAS subscale 1= Spiritual-Based Coping; RCAS subscale 2= Good Deeds; RCAS subscale 3= Discontent; RCAS subscale 4= Interpersonal Religious Support; RCAS subscale 5= Plead; RCAS subscale 6 = Religious Avoidance
Note: Higher scores on all significant predictor variables were predictive of fewer family therapy sessions attended